I am so excited for the upcoming Holiday season. I am in the shopping for great sales kind of mood. I am a frequent Black Friday shopper and I have to say, I love the rush of it all. I got to experience this Black Friday with some of my great friends We started at 6:30 Thanksgiving evening and continued till 6:30 in the am. It was exhausting, fun, and exciting. The best part of it all is, I have most of my holiday shopping done. I just have a few items in my amazon wish list to purchase on Cyber Monday. Speaking of the great Cyber Monday, I am throwing a sale on my TpT store. I have some great common core activities posted. If you like anything you see please follow me, I hope to continue adding to my store. I am working on completing more common core math assessments to utilize in the Kindergarten classroom. You can click on the image below to go right to the sale!
Until next time friends!